Churning the Flywheel...

Having no problem is the biggest problem of all

"If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there. It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!" – Alice in Wonderland.

In the uncertain times we are all living, the best strategy to thrive in the long term is to “seek discomfort” in the short run. It’s only when we when we go past our perceived "limits", we discover new strengths.

So, what's stopping us from taking a plunge? What's stopping us from growth? It's these two words: WHAT IF?

While it is normal for us to worry about the consequences of failing, we should also start to ask ourselves, "What if we succeed?". Most changes happen when people are willing to put fear behind them while they grow by pursuing greater things. There are others who had drastic change in their life as a result of fear. And that most fears do not even exist in reality.

Things do not get better by chance; it gets better by change. Every great move begins with a leap of faith - a step into the unknown!!!

There is never a perfect moment or perfect conditions to get started. If you want to improve your business performance, stop waiting for everything to fall into place.

To borrow from “Good To Great” by Jim Collins, to build an enduring great organization, there is no single defining action which makes it happen. It’s like turning a giant, heavy flywheel. Pushing with great effort, you get the flywheel to inch forward. Pushing it with persistent effort, you get the flywheel to complete one entire turn. Keep pushing turn after turn and the flywheel builds momentum. Then at some point—breakthrough! The flywheel flies forward with almost unstoppable momentum.”

There are infinite possibilities you can seek with an open mind and heart. Capture the drivers and crystallize the components of your own Flywheel and then turn that Flywheel to generate unstoppable and relentless momentum.

Start at this moment, with whatever you have. Begin thinking today. How does your Flywheel Turn?


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